Much better than the first iteration
Listening to that criticism on the first one made this one jive so much better. Really feeling the deserty atmosphere more than the previously used synths.
Much better than the first iteration
Listening to that criticism on the first one made this one jive so much better. Really feeling the deserty atmosphere more than the previously used synths.
Gee thanks, but I wasn't really aiming for anything on the other one. I just made it for fun, thanks for the review anyways!
Muffled muted drums seem a bit out of placed in the texture up until about 1:15.
Nice groove you have going on. I feel like the drums could be pulled back a little bit as they are overshadowing everything else as is.
Some instrument changes here and there would be nice but it's pretty decent as is.
Yeah now you mention it I should probably tone the drums down a little bit when I go back and finish it. Thanks for the review :)
Ps. btw I quite like your song 'Vectoral Synthesis' you should upload some more stoof xD
This has got a very nice groove. I listened to it for about 8 minutes without having it wear thin on my ears.
Thanks a lot, man, hopefully it didn't bug your ears too much :P
Needs a lot of work
Machine gun drums are obnoxious.
The synth and progression is pretty generic and at times mastered WAY too loud. Clipping is rampant everywhere in this piece. I'd go back, work on making the machine gun drums strategically placed rather than random and remaster your loudest sections a bit to prevent clipping.
Thanks for the review. I made this ages ago, i only decided to put it up today. I'm not sure why i used the machine gun noises to be honest...
Good old bubblegum pop
This is some oldschool bubblegum club pop. Very active with a fun melody and a non static background. This piece is fun to listen to even if the synths themselves were a tad generic. The mids get a bit cluttered, but it's not a big issue, as everything pretty much comes together.
Fun times for everyone.
Thanks man!
Haha, bubblegum pop is a new one to me. I've recently heard the name candy trance, I guess there's too many names for it :D
Thanks for the good review! :D
Fun and energetic
The background synths at 1:00 would benefit a lot from not being so generic or mixed so far forward in the soundscape. Pull them back or tweek their settings a bit and that section will be more fun.
Fun melody, good progression but a little weak on the drums (nothing bad, but nothing really setting them apart).
agh, you're right... I wasn't too content with the section at 1:00 either. The balance isn't right or something. In terms of drums, I thought of adding something besides a kick but then decided against it for some reason. Good percussion really makes a song come alive though. Anyway, thanks for the review!!
Not bad, but a little touch up wouldn't hurt
Your background in the beginning (an intended effect?) is out of tune with the rest of your texture, which makes it a bit hard to focus on. The whine persists for 1:30 and never quite syncs up with things. The dropout of everything at 1:30 loses all momentum the song had going into it. Possibly make that a little shorter? Your lead is panned a little bit right during a section without anything to counterbalance it on the left from 2:30-3:00 which can wear on the listener a bit.
Good drums and freq balances for the whole of the song.
Hope this review is helpful.
thanks! i am still trying to work on the effect in the beginning to make it more in tune some how. if anyone has any ideas please let me know- i use reason 5
A little more variation wouldn't kill this
The drum beat seems to be just slightly out of sync with the background riffs. It also is incredibly heavy in comparison to the rest of the track. The chill background and the extremely heavy forefront really clash heavily.
The entire piece appears to be made of about a 5 second loop, which gets incredibly tiring after about one minute. Change the beat, add some noodling melodies, just DO something with the track.
Some interesting ideas.
You seem to be using filters rather arbitrarily, possibly spend a little more time trying to shape where you want them to be utilized.
There is not a whole lot of sense of progression or flow to what you have. Melody line is solid but on the whole you're trying to squeeze too much utility out of it.
Drums aren't bad when they are present, but they seem to drop off randomly. If this is meant to emphasis a change somewhere else in the song, you should probably make that change more prominent (texture shift or new instrument entrance, rather than just the volume boost) so that the drums re-entering is a bigger statement.
Not a bad start, but keep on working on it.
Yeah but Like I said though, I made it really quick.
Joined on 2/8/11